
新実徳英 Tokuhide Niimi

1947:  名古屋市に生まれる
1970:  東京大学工学部卒業
1974:  NET-TV作曲コンクール入賞
1975:  東京藝術大学音楽学部作曲科卒業
1977:  第8回ジュネーヴ国際バレエ・オペラ音楽作曲コンクールにて史上二人目のグランプリ並びにジュネーヴ市長賞受賞
1978:  東京藝術大学大学院研究科修了
1982:  文化庁舞台芸術創作奨励賞並びに特別賞受賞
1983:  ジュネーヴ国際バレエ音楽作曲コンクールの審査員をG. ペトラッシらと共に務める
1984:  文化庁芸術祭優秀賞を受賞 IMCに入選する
1994:  第32回 レコード・アカデミー賞受賞
2000:  第18回 中島健蔵音楽賞受賞
2003:  別宮賞受賞
2004:  CD「風神・雷神」文化庁芸術祭大賞受賞
2005:  万博記念オペラ「白鳥(しろとり)」を名古屋で世界初演、この公演に佐川吉男音楽賞受賞
2006:  オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢コンポーザー・イン・レジデンスに就任
2007:  「協奏的交響曲~エランヴィタール」が第55回尾高賞受賞


特に詩人谷川雁との共作「白いうた 青いうた」全53曲は様々にアレンジされ“世代を超えて歌い継がれる歌”(畑中良輔)として広く支持されている。3.11震災後、作品にA.E.番号(after the Earthquake)を付した。ちなみにA.E.1は<弦楽四重奏曲Asura>。福島の詩人和合亮一の「詩の礫」をエディットした「つぶてソング」全12曲は広く歌われ、同じ詩人による合唱組曲<決意>、<黙礼スル第1番、第2番><ふと口ずさむ>は各々に鮮明な問題意識を表出している。

11年ヴァイオリン作品個展、13年室内楽作品個展を開催。18年ニューヨークで開催されたミュージック・フロム・ジャパン音楽祭のテーマ作曲家として招かれ新作ピアノ五重奏曲を含む作品展が好評を博した。19年4月開催の「つぶてソングの集いin 南相馬」は第7回ウィーンフィル&サントリー音楽復興祈念賞受賞。



1947: Born in Nagoya, Japan
1970: Graduated from the Faculty of Technology at Tokyo National University
1974: Awarded a prize at the NET-TV Competition of Composition
1975: Graduated from the Composition Class of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
1977: Grand Prix of Composition at the 8th International Competition of Ballet Music, Geneva, and the Citizen’s Award of Geneva
1978: Completion of the post graduate course at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
1982: Special Prize and Incentive Prize for Creative Stage Art at the Fine Arts Festival
1983: Member of the jury of the International Competition of Ballet Music in Geneva together with G.Petrassi, etc.
1984: Prize for Excellence at the Fine Arts Festival. Accepted at IMC.
2000: Awarded the 18th Nakajima Kenzo Prize.
2003: Awarded Bekku Prize.
2004: Grand Prix of the Phonogram Section in the Fine Arts Festival for the CD “Fûjin-Raijin” on the Camerata label.
2006: Awarded Sagawa Yoshio Music Prize for symphonic opera “White Bird”.
2007: Awarded the 55th Otaka Prize for Sinfonia concertante “Elan Vital”

He has contributed many remarkable works to the orchestral, chamber, piano and choral music repertoires. He is a present-day romantic, and one of considerable intelligence. His music reflects two worlds, the “melodic wind round” where all is delicacy, elegance and sensuality, and the “rhythmic wind round” which abounds with constructive, centrifugal energy. His recent creative activity is devoted to effecting a unification of these two worlds.

Remarkably, his orchestral works have been domestically performed by the NHK Symphony Orchestra and others , and in oversea countries they also have been performed by some of the leading orchestras, such as the Suisse Romande, Netherlands Radio, BBC Scottish, Radio France, Berlin, Nürunberg, etc. In particular, he is one of the most popular composers in the world of choral music, and his pieces have been constantly performing all over the country.

In 2011, he had an individual concert I for violin pieces. In 2013, concert II for chamber pieces. In 2018, he was invited as a theme composer to N.Y by MFJ(Music From Japan) to hold a individual concert including Piano Quintett (new piece), String Quartet No.2-Asura, Choral Concerto for Mixed Choir. Those were deeply impressed for audience and critics.

He has held a guest Professor at the Tokyo College of Music, a Professor at the graduate school of Toho Gakuen.

Website: (English)